Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Word of the Day

autoschediastical \aw-toh-SKEE-dee-az-tik-uhl\, adjective:

Something improvised or extemporized.

Come, that's all I have to say, for if people don't take an interest in things, I shall not eliminate sesquipedilianisms in an autoschediastical fashion to amuse them.
-- Mark Lemon, Henry Mayhew, Punch, Volumes 62-63, 1872

Then Marmaduke looked back at the boat, and I gave a fiendish laugh, that floated over the waters of the canal, striking the auricular nerves of the boat driver, who was trying to impress upon the mind of his mule the necessity of being more autoschediastical if they wished to win the race.
-- The Lafayette Weekly, Volumes 8-9, 1882

Autoschediastical enters English from the Greek by way of the German autoschediázein, "to extemporize."


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